Union Officers

Union Officers:

President Leah F.
1st Vice President Dale M.
2nd Vice President Wendy P.
Chief Shop Steward Darla N.
Secretary-Treasurer Sam H.
Recording Secretary Cheri R.
Sergeant at Arms
Trustees   Tomas J., Lorne L., Phil M.


Committee Chairs:

Co-Chair of Occupational Health and Safety Leah F
Co-Chair of Joint Job Evaluation Committee
Chair of Social Committee Vacant

Benefits Committee:

Dale M., Wendy P., Patrick S.

Joint Job Evaluation Committee:

Labour Management Committee:

Leah F., Dale M., Darla N., Heather P., Tim S.

Pension Committee:

Wendy P., Taylor J.

Occupational Health and Safety:

Albert – Amel A., Terri E.

Central – Leah F., Tina, D., Ziba S., Kaiti W.

Connaught – Melanie T.

George Bothwell – Eli G-H., Melanie T., Leah D., Carol J.

Glen Elm – Alisa S.

Prince of Wales -Janice P., Meghan J., Jonathan R., Andrew W.

Regent Place – Terri E., Emily M., Braden W.,

Sherwood Village – Dominique B., Amber F., Mark B.,

Sunrise – Janice P., Meghan J., Jonathan R., Andrew W.

Dunlop – Sarah P.